The Visa Credit CardThere are several credit companies that provide different backers when it comes to lending credit. One of the largest credit backers available today is Visa! Visa is by far accepted widely around the world in more places than American Express, MasterCard and Discover. The importance of applying for a Visa card is that there are many facets to Visa. Visa credit cards come in all different variations. There are platinum and gold cards as well as teen Visa's. Here are some other variations of the Visa card that are available today. Visa Classic Visa Secured Visa Gold Visa Platinum Visa Signature Smart Visa Visa Buxx Besides standard Visa credit cards, there are also prepaid Visa cards available. Visa's name is synonymous with portability. People choose Visa because of their ability to use their credit all around the world. Other companies can be endorsed by Visa. Orchard Bank and Providian have tie-ins to Visa and offer their own brands of Visa products. Visa credit cards are also great financial vehicles for students. Visa understands the plight that college students endure and have created special cards that keep the credit limits inline with the student's ability to repay the debt. There are also other variations of Visa products available including secured Visa credit cards for those who are having problems getting credit. A secured Visa credit card is backed by a savings deposit and is commensurate with the amount of money deposited. So if the borrower deposits $100 into the account, their credit limit is $100. Some companies have made credit a little savvier and have multiplied the deposit 200 – 300 percent depending on their reliability. A $100 deposit could earn you up to $300 in credit. After one years time, the deposit is returned to the borrower and the card is then considered unsecured. All payments and transaction are reported positively to the credit reporting agency helping the borrower re-establish their credit.