Credit Cards For People With Bad Credit

Should you have a downturn in luck or believe that you may not qualify for a credit card if you have bad credit, think again! There are several reputable companies that are more than willing to give you a second chance and at the same time help you establish a positive credit rating. Some of the top credit card issuing companies in the world such as Citibank and Orchard Bank are more than willing to issue credit cards for people with bad credit. Having a credit issue has become quite common and you may need to seek out these reputable lenders who provide credit cards for people with bad credit.

How To Qualify

The application process begins by filling out an online form that asks for the basic residential, employment, birth date and social security number from the applicant. This information is important so they can draw a credit report from one of the major agencies. They will then let you know what parameters you fall under and may ask for a security deposit before issuing you a credit card. Most companies that furnish credit cards for people with bad credit are very lenient should you have had a troubled past. You only need to earn a minimum of $10,000 yearly and be over the age of 18.

You can visit any of the major credit card company's websites online and fill out their secure online application. One of the key issues to remember is that if you are applying for credit cards for people with bad credit, you will be looking to pay a greater amount of interest on the credit you use. Make sure to read all documentation and understand your liability should you be unable to pay your monthly payments. Should there be fees associated with your account make sure you know what they are.

Brighter Future

Now that you have applied for credit cards for people with bad credit, you will soon reap the same rewards that people with perfect credit do, the ability to earn a positive credit rating. Almost all of these credit card companies report your activity to a major repository on a monthly basis. Having bad credit does not have to feel like a dead end any longer and most credit card companies understand that.


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