Guaranteed Credit Cards Approval: Too Good To Be True?Who would have thought that it could ever be possible to be guaranteed a credit card approval? Well, it is possible, especially if you've got a home computer. Just go online and type in a keyword or two that is relative to credit and you'll see that this is true. Not only will you find credit cards that come with instant approval, but some of the cards also offer low introductory rates with cash back and points. Using a credit card is like borrowing money. That's why a bank will usually ask you to fill out an application and sign a series of papers to apply for a card. Then you have to wait – which is the part nobody likes. And often, you wait just to hear that your application has been rejected. That's why the best solution for finding a guaranteed credit card approval is to shop around online, comparing terms and fees before you make that final decision. Even if the credit card is guaranteed, you might want to research the annual percentage rates (APR) before applying for a credit card. You wouldn't want to receive an approval and find out that the cost of getting the card is unreasonable. Also look for a card that offers a grace period, as this allows you to avoid extra finance charges if you pay your balance in full before the day it is due. |