Credit Card Applications: Not As Scary As You Thought Credit card applications are very easy to fill out, and follow a standard format that is used by most credit card companies. Most applications for credit cards have a terms and agreement form that is part of the application process, so you should carefully read the fine lines before proceeding to apply. Added fees may be included in some credit card applications to fight fraud and money laundering activities. In addition to these added fees, you will see a rate per use of your credit card. In addition to all that, you sometimes also need to include a statement of your current and past earnings for proof of card approval. You might need to supply the company with your driver's license, social security number, job proofs and credit history before applying for a credit card. Take note of the credit card providers who offer a line of credit to persons who have a bad credit history. Many offer a credit line with fees upfront. Others may present potential hazards and should be researched before applying. |