It's Not Too Difficult To Find the Cheapest Credit Cards (Just Look Online!)Have you ever had one of those days when you wish your credit card had a lower interest rate? You have to make your monthly payments, but you're slowly losing the battle as the exorbitantly high rate eats away at your finances, with no remorse. So why not find a credit card with a rate that will allow you to finally pay off your accumulating pile of debt? Although there are many factors to consider when looking for a credit card that fits your budget, the rate of interest is what you need to focus on before considering a credit card of any sort. Higher monthly bills are always the result of a high interest rate. The best way to find the cheapest credit cards is to look for them online. Surf the Internet for a few minutes and you'll quickly discover that there are many credit card companies vying for customers, which is what drives down the interest rates overall. So what are some of the perks that you can expect from a credit card with a low interest rate? Here are some examples of the common benefits of cheap credit cards: A low annual percentage rate (APR) is the most important factor in choosing a cheap credit card, as this will determine how much more you pay each month on your balance. A card such as the Citi credit card might offer, for example, 0% APR for nine months, and 9.49 APR after the introduction period. Citi has a variety of credit cards at various rates. Some of their cards may even offer a cash-back program, which is a perk that many other card suppliers also offer. Citi Driver's Edge Platinum Select offers 0% APR for 12 months and you can earn 5% rebates on purchases for nine months, at 1% thereafter. |